Vintage Cannondale – Restoration
Color and Paint:
Vintage Cannondale dose not have touch up paint. The best Touch up paint is auto touch up paint, they come in a pen from this company:
They are found at auto stores. Match the color as close as possible, and test on a spot where you can not see it. Under the bottom bracket.
Email in if you find a match!
Here is a list of Dupont Paint formulas from Cannondale. PAGE 1, PAGE 2
Cannondale Viper Red:
“Dodge Viper Red” paint code PRN
1989 Teal:
color: Teal
paint: IMRON polyurethane enamel
activator: IMRON 192S activator
3 to 1 ratio (3 parts paint, 1 part activator)
paint pint mix:
#554 Bright White 38.1 grams.
#559 Bright Blue 218.8 grams.
#561 Fast Green 125 grams.
#571 Clear Adj. 68.8 grams.
paint gallon mix:
#554 BW 305 g.
#559 BB 2055 g.
#561 FG 3055 g.
#571 CA 3605 g.
Early Cannondales have the cable stops below, the fix is a stop with a nose on it made by jagwire.
Before……… After…….
HERE is a link to Jagwires product.
Cable Stop:
Some Cannondales have a larger hole for the rear brake cable stop. A barrel adjuster can be used as a cable stop.
HERE is Jagwires link about the product (M6 Adjusting Bolt).
To purchase a Cannondale Hanger, Take the (Kit #) to any Cannondale dealer. Vintage Cannondale and do not sell Hangers.
Hangers can be purchased by the following online USA venders:
Cable guides:
(A113 Replacement for Cannondale)